Monday, January 7, 2013


It's a wrap 2012! And one thing you thought me - the importance of "Work-Life Balance". Looking back, it's  just so amazing how those 365 days shaped my new mind set towards  my  relationship with my parents, siblings, lover, friends and co-workers.

Indeed, it's not all about work. It is working so you can have more reasons to live, more resources to explore life's beauty. I'm so thankful I had this realization while I'm still in my late 20's, while I'm still at the prime of my career and single hood.

You treated me fairly 2012. I had my highs and lows but good thing about you was you didn't hit me blow-by-blow. You let me recovered from failures before giving your attack again. You totally pull me off from my comfort zone. You let me make mistakes so I can learn then move forward with lessons in tow. And for that, I can bravely say that I can smoothly slither on my way to greater year ahead- 2013.

I'm excited for this year's surprises. I think and I'm calming it that this will be my year. A year of more adventures, quality projects at work, learning and hopefully a year of love and peace of mind. I'm working towards these goals. In fact, for the first time, I made a list of my so-called New Year's Wish list for 2013.  I think, those are pretty much attainable given that I will stay focus.

Cheers for 2013! Cheers for my year!

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